ILA Registration Meeting

- Attributes:

- name:
ILA endowment fund pre-foundational meeting

- took place:
Today, Nov 10, 2:00 PM GMT+1 - 4:00 PM GMT+1

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- end time:

- isDefinedBy:
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- description:

Object : First contact and introducing the structure.

A page for noting everything. You can already start typing thing, this will save us time on the meeting, which will probably be very dense

This conference call will focus on introducting to each other and explaining what an endowment fund à la française is meant for, what is the grand scheme (a picture will be provided) and who will be in charge.

Name: International Longevity Fund Jurisdiction: France Legal status: Fond de dotation (French version of endowment fund) Board name: comité directeur (board of directors) President: Daniel Wuttke (must be European citizen) Other board members: David Latapie, Édouard Debonneuil, Ilia Stambler, Daria Khaltourina, Anton Kulaga, Adrián Correa. Contrary to what Édouard said on the previous mail, no need for one vice-president. I will have the same title as everyone else (save Daniel): director. There is no need also to have an legally appointed treasure, it is just a habit. In case of a problem, there is one person responsible, the president => flexibility for who will handle the money issue. I have to check if there is any limitation on nationality (Édouard's then Ilia's question), but I don't think so. Balance of power: collegiality (every board member weight the same, president has a casting vote - this is not a "second thought", this is during the election, before knowing there is a tie)

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